Wednesday, April 16, 2014
If Music be the Sound of Life... Play on.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Peace it Together
here is my "peace it together" video project. I used shots of nature and animals, specifically birds, to evoke the emotion of peace. Doves are a symbol of peace and nature, usually water, is commonly associated with relaxation and peace. I also found a video about a youth mission to spread peace. all of my media was found on I thought the hardest part about this project was using video that I had permission to use. I probably spent more time searching for content than I did editing.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Think you know my Avatar

He is from an
enemy solar system, however he comes in peace. His home planet plans on
harvesting humans to create biological weapons. Foreign countries have sided
with the invasion and are planning on preparing the world for the invasion.
Having knowledge of this plan he comes to earth and joins the U.S. Secret Military
operations to stop the foreign countries from helping the invaders.
Has the ability
to blend in to his surroundings, much like that of a chameleon. His suit is
designed to change the same way his skin does. He is super-fast and stealthy.
He uses a katana because it is quiet yet deadly, a weapon such as a gun would
give his position away and he is all about being silent and stealthy. He also
has the ability to see heat signatures, which helps him locate his enemies. He
lacks strength and power, but exceeds in speed and agility.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
"That's not what i Heard"
For this project I muted the sound of a scene from Alien III. I then recorded my own sound effects on my phone and used them as the audio for this clip. The sounds I recorded include, footsteps, door opening, drawer sliding, fabric rustling, breathing, and ambient background noises.
This image depicts how my audio is compiled
Friday, March 21, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Character Caricature
Create a World
I created a small world in unity 3d
This world consists of a stone building which I made out of cubes that I added a stone texture to. also trees are pre-made except for the one in the water which I made out of pre-made branches. the logs in the fireplace are cylinders with a wood texture on them. the fire was a particle effect which I enhanced by adding a smoke effect to make the smoke trail on top of the fire. water was a pre set as well I just changed the size and shape.
Here is a better picture of the fireplace with the smoke. you can also see the background is a large plane with a sky texture on it. I also created a light source for this world. the fireplace emitted some light but I added a different light source to imitate the sun.
I really enjoyed using this program and I didn't mind spending many hours tinkering with different settings and just seeing what would happen.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Short Essay on Interactivity
Interactivity will not impair the
ability to tell a story, it will only change how it is told. I believe that a
great story can be told using interactivity without becoming a game. I think
that the input that the user gives will force them to want to give more in
order to see the reaction. In interactivity, the user must make some decisions.
Once the user has made some decisions they will be entirely consumed by the
story. It will make them feel as if they cannot abandon the story and they must
finish. When they have finished, they will have a feeling of accomplishment.
This is something that movies lack and videogames excel at. Not that you don’t feel
accomplished after watching a movie, but when you had a part in telling a story
it becomes more memorable. I think that if interactivity is used to tell a
story the user will remember their experiences much more vividly and will cause
them to think about it afterwards.
I think
the challenge with this is that experiencing an interactive story is a much
greater investment of time. When you watch a regular movie you can also do
other things. If you are experiencing an interactive story, you lose the
ability to multitask. Therefor you must devote your entire self to the story.
This means you will do it less often, and if you wanted to devote your entire
self to a story, you might as well just play a videogame. I believe that
interactivity is not a replacement for movies or videogames but an alternative
that could stand beside movies and film. Also, these stories might be difficult
to show to large groups of people. If one person is making the decisions, the
other people in the audience might feel left out. This is what makes it so
close to a game. When a large group of people enjoy a game, they either play
together or take turns. In movies, everyone just enjoys the same movie. With an
interactive story, it might feel like watching someone else having all of the
fun. So I think these stories would take place at the individual level, like a
game, but it would not impair the ability to tell a story.
Storyboard a Joke
A young ventriloquist is touring the
clubs and stops to entertain
at a bar in a small town.
He's going through his
usual run of silly blonde jokes when a big
blonde woman in the fourth row
stands on her chair and says, "OK
jerk, I've heard just about enough of
your denigrating blonde
jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women
that way?
What do a person's physical attributes have to do with their
worth as
a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me
from being respected
at work and in my community, of reaching my
full potential as a
person...because you and your kind continue
to perpetuate discrimination
against not only blondes but women
at large...all in the name of
Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to apologize, when the
pipes up, "You stay out of this mister, I'm talking to that
bastard on your knee!"
Friday, January 31, 2014
Sound library
I recorded these sounds at Shively hall. this includes a dining hall, various hallways in the residence area, as well as dorm rooms. there is a large variety of sounds in this area
Shively hall_card swipe on door (0.07)
I chose this one because
Shively hall_computer running (0.27)
this one could be used as just ambient background noise
Shively hall_Dining Hall (0.31)
this could also be used for background noise however it is specific to the dining hall
Shively hall_door opening and closing (0.10)
this is a sound that is common however not constant
Shively hall_drawer opening and closing (0.15)
this sound is just a common noise that is herd in Shively hall
Shively hall_hand dryer (0.19)
this sound happens quite often in this location
Shively hall_heater (0.08)
I thought this sound was unique, its not the sound a heater is supposed to make
Shively hall_keyboard typing (0.24)
this could be used for background noise, or for a regular sound effect
Shively hall_microwave going off (0.09)
this could be used for background noise, or for a regular sound effect
Shively hall_walking in stair case (0.21)
this sound is a background sound that makes the location more alive and with people walkin around
Shively hall_water running (0.21)
this sound does not necessarily need to be used as a sink, but could also be used for rain, or any other type of water sound effect
I recorded these sounds at Shively hall. this includes a dining hall, various hallways in the residence area, as well as dorm rooms. there is a large variety of sounds in this area
Shively hall_card swipe on door (0.07)
I chose this one because
Shively hall_computer running (0.27)
this one could be used as just ambient background noise
Shively hall_Dining Hall (0.31)
this could also be used for background noise however it is specific to the dining hall
Shively hall_door opening and closing (0.10)
this is a sound that is common however not constant
Shively hall_drawer opening and closing (0.15)
this sound is just a common noise that is herd in Shively hall
Shively hall_hand dryer (0.19)
this sound happens quite often in this location
Shively hall_heater (0.08)
I thought this sound was unique, its not the sound a heater is supposed to make
Shively hall_keyboard typing (0.24)
this could be used for background noise, or for a regular sound effect
Shively hall_microwave going off (0.09)
this could be used for background noise, or for a regular sound effect
Shively hall_walking in stair case (0.21)
this sound is a background sound that makes the location more alive and with people walkin around
Shively hall_water running (0.21)
this sound does not necessarily need to be used as a sink, but could also be used for rain, or any other type of water sound effect
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Video Game
I made this game using gamemaker studio. I had to create and object which I assigned keyboard input to actions so that the player can move the character around. I did the same with the enemies and walls but instead of assigning keyboard input, I assigned just an action. when the player hits a wall, they stop. when they hit an enemy, the enemy is destroyed.
I made this game using gamemaker studio. I had to create and object which I assigned keyboard input to actions so that the player can move the character around. I did the same with the enemies and walls but instead of assigning keyboard input, I assigned just an action. when the player hits a wall, they stop. when they hit an enemy, the enemy is destroyed.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
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